10 Exercises You Can Do in the Park

A great way to mix up your fitness routine is to skip the gym for a day and head to a local park, which offers a variety of fun ways to get in some movement. Add something new to your fitness routine with these 10 exercises you can take outside!

  1. Monkey Bars
    Bring out your inner kid with a few rounds on the monkey bars! You may be surprised just how much it works your core and upper body. You can go back and forth across the bars or stay at one to do pull-ups/chin-ups.

  2. Bench Dips
    Benches are perfect for working your triceps with some dips. Place your hands on the seat and your legs slightly bent, outstretched in front of you, then lower yourself down and up. When done properly, you should feel it burn in your triceps and chest.

  3. Bench Push-Ups
    Stay at the bench for some push-ups! Put your hands on the seat and stretch out your legs. Lower yourself down and up in a controlled motion. Make it more difficult or easier by changing the angle of your body, or doing it on your knees instead.

  4. Walking Lunges
    Find an open, flat area. Step forward with a bent front leg and drop your back knee towards the ground. Take strides like this, alternating sides, back and forth across the park. We guarantee you’ll feel it in your legs and glutes! 

  5. Swing Planks
    Head to the swingset for this exercise. Form a plank position, placing your feet on the swing and your hands on the ground directly beneath your shoulders. Hold the plank position as long as you can with a strong, solid core.

  6. Swing Squats
    Stand with your back to the swing and place one foot onto the seat. Lower your front leg into a bent position for a split squat. The lower (deeper) you go, the more you’ll feel it in your hamstring, glutes, and quads. Repeat on both sides.

  7. Step Ups
    Step up onto a bench or raised platform on the playground. Be sure to lift your entire body off the ground as you step up and then lower yourself in a controlled manner. Alternate sides.

  8. Sprints
    Find an open space with an area where you can sprint for about 10 seconds. (Soccer fields are great for this.) Start by walking for 30 seconds. Then sprint for 10 seconds. Return to walking for 30 seconds. Repeat as many times as you like for a great cardio workout.

  9. Step or Bench Jumps
    Stand in front of a step or bench (a step is easier, a bench is harder). Swing your arms back behind you for momentum, then jump up with both feet onto the step or bench. Stand up tall, then step back down to the ground and repeat.

  10. Stretching
    Bring a yoga mat with you to the park and enjoy the bliss of stretching in nature! Stretching is a great way to prevent injury while also promoting relaxation.

We encourage you to get outside this summer and add park workouts in your routine for an instant mood boost that will strengthen your body too.


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