5 Ways You Can Boost Your Immune System This Fall

Ahh…fall. The season of falling leaves, gorgeous colors, cooler temperatures, and–of course–the dreaded return of cold and flu season. But what if you didn’t have to dread it? 

By strengthening your immune system and having some go-to strategies for supporting your health, you can head into the next season armed with a strong wellness plan! 

The big secret about supporting your immune health is that it’s actually not that complicated. You don’t need a pantry full of expensive supplements or exotic foods to keep your immune system strong. A few healthy habits go a very long way in helping you stay well. Here are 5 ways to get started:

  1. Eat a nutritious, low-sugar diet.

    Could you guess that we’d start with this one?! Your diet is your greatest tool in building great health, including an immune system that is ready to fight off bugs and viruses. Focus on nutrient-dense foods like vegetables, organic meats, healthy fats like avocados and olives, nuts and seeds, and colorful fruits like berries and apples. Sugar is an immune-suppressant, so avoid processed foods, especially those with added sugar.

  2. Get your vitamin D levels checked.

    A simple blood test can tell you your vitamin D level, a powerful indicator of your immune health. Studies have shown that vitamin D plays a crucial role in overall wellness, especially when it comes to preventing and recovering from illnesses like colds and flus. If your vitamin D is low, consider supplementing with a high-quality supplement to give your body a boost. (Ask us for recommendations if you need a good brand!)

  3. Don’t skimp on sleep.

    Rest is a highly undervalued tool in not only getting well if you’re sick, but also staying well and preventing illness in the first place. Getting 8 hours of sleep may mean saying yes to fewer obligations, but the payoff will be well worth it. Prioritize adequate rest and watch your body reach new heights of wellness!

  4. Avoid over-exercising.

    This one may surprise you, as many people are led to believe that exercise is great for the immune system–and it is! But too much of a good thing can actually leave your body in a state of perpetual stress that makes you more susceptible to infections. If you’re an avid exerciser, make sure you’re incorporating plenty of restorative movement into your routine as well, such as walks and stretching that allow for active recovery.

  5. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

    Drinking enough water each day will help flush your body of toxins that could lead to illness. As the dry air of winter settles in, staying hydrated will also support your skin, joints, and ligaments as well. To get a benchmark number of ounces to drink each day, take your body weight and divide it half. Aim to drink a minimum of that many ounces of water per day. (For example, 150 pounds divided in half = 75. So your water target would be 75 ounces.)

Supporting your immune system isn’t rocket science. With a few simple strategies, you’ll be well on your way to a happy and healthy season!


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