Build a Natural Medicine Cabinet

With cold and flu season on the horizon, now is the perfect time to get a head start on building up your stock of natural bug-busters to break out when the seasonal sniffles arrive. Building a natural medicine cabinet may seem like a daunting task, but here we’ll break it down into a few simple categories of go-to items to keep on hand throughout the season.


  • Vitamin C: We would be remiss if we didn’t open this post with the almighty super vitamin! Vitamin C is an absolute must during cold and flu season. Vitamin C is an immune booster, helps promote recovery from illnesses, and can even shorten the duration or severity of an illness if taken in higher doses. Vitamin C is widely available in both capsule and liquid form, which makes it easy for everyone to take (even if you don’t like swallowing pills!).

  • Vitamin D: For the best results when it comes to your immunity, take vitamin D daily (around 1000-5000 IU is generally a good daily dose, depending on your needs). Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to higher rates of getting sick. If you do end up under the weather, up your dose during the worst of your illness to give your body an extra boost. Like vitamin C, vitamin D is available both in capsule and liquid forms.

  • Zinc: Many people swear by zinc throughout the winter season…and for good reason! It’s a powerful immune supporter and difficult to obtain strictly through food alone. Zinc is available both in supplement form and in lozenges that deliver a small amount of zinc directly to a sore or scratchy throat. Kids often think they taste like candy. Pack them into backpacks for a yummy treat at school!

Gut Health

  • Probiotics: Over 70% of your immune system is in your gut. It makes perfect sense, then, that supplying good bacteria to your intestines is super important for maintaining optimal health. Probiotics vary widely in strain and form. We advise looking for a brand that requires refrigeration (which ensures quality) and one that contains more than 2 strains of bacteria. Children’s probiotics are available in chewable form, making it easy to get those gut-loving goodies into your kiddos too.

  • Fermented foods: Keep fermented foods on hand as another way to incorporate good bacteria into your diet. Our favorite choices are raw sauerkraut or kimchi, kombucha, full-fat yogurt, and kefir.

Immune Boosting Foods

  • Elderberry: This superfood has long been touted for its immune boosting properties. Research has indicated that it may reduce the severity or duration of symptoms from the common cold. Find elderberry extracts and tinctures at health food stores or online, or get adventurous and try making your own elderberry syrup!

  • Mushrooms: Medicinal mushrooms are widely available in supplement form to add for a boost of prebiotics (which feed the good bacteria in your gut) as well as immune defense properties. Mushrooms like turkey tail, reishi, and lion’s mane assist in the body’s ability to adapt to stress and respond effectively to inflammation.

Make this the season you kick colds and flus to the curb for good! Armed with a medicine cabinet full of health-supportive nutrients at your fingertips, your body will thank you.


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