How Chiropractic Impacts Your Body’s Major Systems

When you get a chiropractic adjustment, you may think that it’s just your spine and bones being affected. But in reality, so much more is going on than just the “popping” of joints! The spine houses nerves that run all throughout your body and connect to all your major systems. When we adjust the spine, we’re directly impacting every system in the body. Pretty cool, huh?

Let’s take a look at how each of the body’s major systems can benefit from chiropractic care.

Digestive System

A collection of nerves branches out from the lower part of your spinal cord and makes its way to your stomach and intestines. These nerves carry messages that play an important role in digestion, absorption of nutrients, and removal of waste products. Maintaining alignment of the vertebrae that correspond to the digestive system helps keep everything running smoothly.

Respiratory System

If you hunch over and take a deep breath, how does that feel? Now straighten your spine and take a deep breath. How does that feel? Chances are, it feels much better than breathing while hunched! Your spine’s positioning and general posture directly impact the way your lungs can expand and supply oxygen to your entire body. Regular adjustments help keep your spine long and your posture strong, leading to optimal respiratory function.

Reproductive System

A supported nervous system leads to reproductive system wellness for both men and women. The human reproductive system is highly sensitive to stress, including physical stress caused by spinal misalignments, muscle imbalances, and poor posture. By removing as many of these stressors as possible, you remove barriers to optimal reproductive organ health. 

Circulatory System

Your circulatory system is responsible for transporting blood, oxygen, and nutrients to your cells. This system consists of your heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries. When the circulatory system is not functioning properly, it may show up as cold hands and feet, tingling or numbness, or lightheadedness. Chiropractic adjustments help restore proper circulation by increasing the space between the vertebrae, which allows the nerves and blood vessels to function more efficiently.

Your body is all connected, and your spine houses the connecting points for your body’s many nerves. Chiropractic care is an outstanding way to keep your nerves communicating clearly–which will keep all your systems happy and healthy!


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