Why You Should Get Adjusted When You’re Stressed 

We’ve all experienced stress on both a large and small scale–and to some degree, stress is a normal and inevitable part of life. But when it becomes chronic, stress can take a big toll on our physical and mental health. 

According to a 2020 study, members of the American Chiropractic Association listed stress as a big factor contributing to their patients’ muscle and skeletal ailments. We definitely see it in our practice as well! The good news is that chiropractic care is an effective way to combat stress-related pain and restore balance to the body.

How an Adjustment Helps Reduce Stress

When you’re stressed, your muscles tense and tighten. As the muscles tense up, they pull joints and vertebrae out of alignment, often causing even greater feelings of tension and discomfort. Chiropractic adjustments restore alignment to the spine and allow for clear communication throughout your nervous system. 

As muscle tension is relieved and your body is able to relax, you’ll release positive hormones like oxytocin and cortisol. These hormones help to create a sense of well-being, ultimately reducing overall stress levels. 

Stress and Your Immune System

Any disruption in your nervous system can affect your body’s ability to fight illness, as your nervous system is intricately connected to cells, organs, and systems, including your immune function. Chiropractic adjustments help make sure the nerve impulses move freely and without interruptions in communication, which helps your immune system operate at its highest level and keeps you well.

Manage Your Stress by Getting Adjusted

Regular adjustments are a fantastic part of a stress reduction protocol, particularly during the holiday season and into the winter months when seasonal stressors and illness rates reach higher levels. Remember, consistency is KEY if you want to be FREE of stress-related pain! 

Stay regular with your adjustments (for most of our patients this means once every week, twice a month, or once a month depending on individual factors) and keep your body, soul, and spirit happy!


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