5 Bad Desk Jockey Habits…and How to Break Them

If you work at a desk all day, chances are you’re no stranger to that tight feeling between your shoulder blades at the end of the day, or a stiff neck, crunchy wrists, or aching low back. Desk workers, or “desk jockeys” as we often call them, often have some of the worst posture we see in our office simply because of their working environment. 

But desk jockeys rejoice! The good news is there’s a lot you can do to improve your posture and get out of discomfort. It starts with breaking bad habits and creating new ones.

5 Bad Habits to Break When Working at Your Desk

  1. Slumping Over
    We also call this “turtle posture.” It’s where you’re slumped over your keyboard, your shoulders are up by your ears, your head is in a forward position rather than stacked over your shoulders, and there is no tension in your core.
    Break the habit: Start by sitting up straight in your chair. Your spine should be long and strong. Pull your shoulders back and down. Keep light tension in your abs to hold yourself upright. Practice this sequence every hour to continually train your body out of the slumping pattern.

  2. Using a Non-Ergonomic Work Station
    If your computer is improperly placed or the height of your chair or desk is not suited for your body, it’s time for a change! Working in an unsupportive setup can lead to many potential issues.
    Break the habit: Keep your screen at eye level. You should not have to crane your neck up or down. Your keyboard just be positioned so that your upper arms and forearms create a 90-degree angle when typing. Your feet should touch the floor comfortably (add a stool or get a shorter chair if they don’t).

  3. No Lumbar Support
    Lower back pain during desk work often indicates a lack of support for the low back, pelvis, and/or sacrum. If unsupported, the low back can lose its natural curve, leading to compression and increased discomfort.
    Break the habit: Get a chair with built-in lumbar support or simply add a rolled up towel or small lumbar pillow behind your low back (tuck it into your back’s natural curve).

  4. The Same Position All The Time
    The body was not made to stay in one position at all times. You were made to move! Sitting all day, even with the perfect setup and the perfect posture, will take its toll after a while.
    Break the habit: Set a timer to change positions every half hour. Consider investing in a standing desk. This way you can alternate between sitting and standing throughout your work day.

  5. No Movement Breaks
    Just as it’s important to change positions, it’s equally important to move out of positions altogether and get blood flowing into your joints and nervous system. As blood flows, tissues are fed oxygen and remain healthier over time.
    Break the habit: Take frequent movement breaks. Get up every hour or so to walk around, stretch, roll your shoulders and wrists, bend your knees, and do a few air squats. If you have the time and space, consider taking a short walk every few hours to break up your work day with some movement.

    Desk life is super common and often unavoidable. But with a bit of intention and some practice, you can turn bad desk jockey habits around and feel your best at home AND at work!


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