The Food/Mood Connection: Is What You Eat Impacting Your Mood?

While we often talk about what we eat and how it impacts our physiology (our digestion or metabolism, for example), there is also much to be said about food’s impact on our psychology (our mental health, mood, and overall disposition).

What you eat directly impacts your mood. Amazingly, you can improve your mental health, outlook on life, and energy levels simply by changing what you put on your plate!

How Your Food Impacts Your Mood

Your gastrointestinal tract is home to billions of bacteria that directly influence the production of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that act like messengers in your body. They carry messages from the gut to the brain. One neurotransmitter in particular, serotonin, is responsible for regulating your mood–and it just so happens that about 90% of serotonin is stored in the gut. So it’s easy to see, then, how a happy gut can create a happy brain! 

When you eat foods that disrupt your gut health (like highly processed foods, sugar, and seed oils, for example), this directly impacts the function of your brain. A disrupted gut could lead to mental and mood-related problems like depression, brain fog, poor mood regulation, and anxiety.

Conversely, when you eat foods that support your gut health (like vegetables, fruits, fermented foods, and protein), you’ll support your body’s natural ability to achieve a balanced mental state, positive thinking, and mental clarity.

What to Eat for Brain and Gut Health

Stick to whole, natural, unprocessed foods. Eat your carbohydrates in balance with protein or fat to avoid blood sugar and insulin swings, which can negatively impact gut health. If you can, incorporate food-based sources of probiotics in your diet as well, such as raw sauerkraut, kombucha, or kefir. The brain loves fat, so make sure to load up on healthy choices like nuts and seeds, avocados, olives, and whole milk butter/cheese (grass-fed if possible!).

Food is the most powerful drug on the planet and has the ability to literally change how you experience life from the inside out. Make your choices count and feel your best!


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