5 Signs You Should See a Chiropractor

It’s estimated that chiropractors treat more than 35 million Americans every year, including both children and adults. And for good reason! Chiropractic care is a rapidly growing form of healthcare that gently and effectively supports the nervous system and improves whole body wellness.

Everyone can benefit from chiropractic care, even individuals without apparent symptoms, aches, and pains. However, in many cases, there are often obvious signs that present themselves like a warning light on the dashboard of a vehicle letting you know something’s up with your body. If you experience any of these 5 signs, you should see a chiropractor:

  1. You suffer from frequent headaches.

    Regular tension headaches, migraines, and radiating neck/shoulder pain could indicate misalignments. Chiropractic care can work wonders to not only relieve the discomfort associated with headaches, but also decrease their occurrence. Many of our patients remark that after receiving regular chiropractic care, their headaches disappear.

  2. You wake up stiff every morning.

    Newsflash: you should not be sore every day! If you wake up with stiffness, soreness, or joint pain regularly, chiropractic adjustments can be an effective way to improve mobility and blood flow to joints and limbs.

  3. You have sinus congestion.

    Many people don’t know that chiropractic care can help with sinus congestion and relieve the pain associated with infections. Chiropractic adjustments can improve nasal drainage, relieving pressure and discomfort in the sinuses and ears.

  4. You’ve been in a car accident.

    If you’ve been in an accident at some point in your life, it’s almost a guarantee that you need a chiropractor! The body can store trauma from accident-related injuries for years. Chiropractic care directly works on the body’s nervous system, helping to address trauma on a nerve level and promote healing.

  5. You have a sedentary job.

    Working in a seated position for most of the day is tough on the body. If you sit at a desk or behind the wheel of a vehicle for 8 hours a day, chiropractic adjustments can be especially helpful in improving your posture, restoring the proper curvature in your spine, and relieving upper back/shoulder tension.

Experiencing any of these 5 things? Give us a call and schedule an adjustment! We’re here to help get you on the road to your very best health.


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