5 Tips for Your Healthiest Holiday Season Yet

We’re on the cusp of the holiday season and it truly is the most wonderful time of the year! But in the midst of holiday meals, parties, traveling, and busier-than-usual schedules, we’re entering into what can be a rough time of year for sticking with healthy habits. 

Not to worry! We’ve rounded up our top 5 tips for maintaining good health through the holiday season so you can enjoy all the delights of the season while feeling great too!

  1. Eat a healthy snack before every party.

    As you head to upcoming holiday get-togethers, there will be opportunities aplenty for indulging in foods and beverages that don’t exactly fit the profile of a healthy diet. To avoid being overly hungry before an event (and then eating everything in sight), enjoy a healthy snack including protein and fat before you go. Carrots and hummus, a boiled egg and a piece of fruit, trail mix, beef jerky, or plain yogurt with some nuts are all great options.

  2. Get adequate sleep.

    If there’s one thing you prioritize this holiday season, let it be sleep! Proper rest works wonders in supporting your metabolism, regulating hormones, and helping your body detox. With the extra stressors of the holiday season, proper sleep is essential. If that means going to be an hour earlier or building time into your weekend schedule to sleep in, strive to make it happen.

  3. Walk, walk, walk!

    Exercise is one of the first things that goes out the window when life gets busy. So instead of challenging yourself to stick to a vigorous workout plan through the end of the year, which is admirable but often unattainable, make an effort instead to take a walk every day. Walking is easy, accessible, and you can do it anywhere! Shoot for a minimum of 30 minutes per day, or more if you can swing it. Bonus tip: while it may be tempting to take a nap after a big meal, go for a 20-30 minute walk instead. The activity will support your body’s glucose response to indulgent foods and lead to less of a spike in insulin levels.

  4. Get regular adjustments.

    Maintain your regular chiropractic adjustment schedule if you can. Continuing support of your nervous system through chiropractic care will serve you well in the midst of an extra busy and stressful season. Chiropractic has been shown to improve your body’s immune response as well, which is essential heading into peak cold and flu season too!

  5. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

    The holidays only come around once a year. Don’t beat yourself up for missteps or over-indulgences along the way. They’re bound to happen. Work hard to maintain healthy habits, but also give yourself grace as you enjoy the delights of the season.

Wishing you a happy and healthy start to the upcoming holiday season!


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