Are You Sick or Are You Dehydrated?

The human body can live for weeks without food, but only a few days without water. Why? Water is an essential component of your biological makeup!

Take a look at these stats:

“Your muscles that move your body are 75% water; your blood that transports nutrients is 82% water; your lungs that provide your oxygen are 90% water; your brain that is the control center of your body is 76% water; even your bones are 25% water.” — Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, author of Your Body’s Many Cries for Water

Are you dehydrated?

Dozens of common ailments–from headaches to muscle stiffness to sugar cravings–can all be attributed to chronic dehydration. Dehydration is simply the process of not taking in enough fluids to replenish the amount your body uses. If you’re regularly experiencing any of the following symptoms, it’s possible that dehydration could be the root cause, or a contributing factor in making the problem worse:

  • Constipation

  • Sluggish digestion

  • Low energy

  • Headaches

  • Muscle stiffness

  • Brain fog

  • Carb cravings

  • Seasonal allergies

  • Arthritis 

How much water is enough?

Exactly how much water you should consume each day will vary depending on factors like your weight, diet, and level of physical activity. But here’s a good formula to find a baseline: take your body weight and divide it in half. Aim to drink that many ounces of water per day. (Example: 150 pounds divided by 2 = 75. So 75 ounces of water per day.)

In addition to drinking lots of pure filtered water, load up on hydrating foods too! We love cucumbers, celery, bell peppers, oranges, grapefruit, leafy greens, watermelon, and zucchini.

To help your body retain the fluids you take in and get all that H2O exactly where it needs to go, consider adding electrolytes to your water as well. This can be done in multiple ways, with the simplest being adding a pinch of mineral-rich sea salt to your water glass every time you fill it. Electrolyte supplements are another handy option to reach for when you really need a boost. Ask us about our favorite brands at your next appointment! 

Water is the unsung hero of great health. Stay hydrated to feel your very best!


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