How to Avoid Blood Sugar Spikes from Smoothies

Warm summer days call for lots of hydrating, fresh, colorful foods to keep us refreshed and cool. We make smoothies year round but especially enjoy them throughout the summer when fresh produce is at its seasonal best.

If you’ve been around here for a while, you know that we’re often touting the benefits of living a low-sugar lifestyle and following a diet that seeks to maintain balanced blood sugar levels. Smoothies, as much as we love them, can easily turn into a sugar bomb if we’re not careful! Smoothies can be nutritious, filling, and supportive of blood sugar when made with the right ingredients. But when made with too many high-glycemic fruits and sweeteners and not enough protein or fiber, they can be just the opposite.

How to Make a Smoothie That Won’t Spike Your Blood Sugar

A smoothie made from all fruit and sweeteners will cause your blood sugar to rise rapidly and then crash, leaving you hungry and tired. No thanks! Make your smoothie blood-sugar-supportive by following these tips:

  • Stick to mostly lower sugar fruits like blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and apples

  • Add fiber to your smoothie, such as flax or chia seeds

  • Add protein and/or fat to your smoothie, like protein powder, almond or peanut butter, or avocado

  • Add veggies like frozen cauliflower (you won’t even taste it, we promise!), cucumbers, and greens

Try This Berry Almond Smoothie

This smoothie offers a great blend of fat, fiber, and protein to keep your blood sugar balanced.


  • ½ cup frozen cauliflower

  • ½ frozen banana

  • ½ cup frozen berries

  • ¼ avocado

  • ½ cup ice

  • 1 tablespoon almond butter

  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon

  • 1 cup unsweetened non-dairy milk, or more if needed

Add all ingredients to a blender and blend on high until creamy and smoothie, adding more milk if needed to achieve the right consistency. 

Blood-sugar-balancing smoothies are a great way to stay hydrated and well-nourished through the summer. Drink up and enjoy!


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