How to Clear Up Congestion Naturally

Staying well through the winter can be challenging with so many coughs, colds, and flus circulating around our communities. If congestion from a winter illness has you bogged down–or if you pick up a spring cold in the months ahead and just can’t shake that plugged up feeling–we’re here to help!

To support your body as it fights a bug and assist it in clearing up congestion naturally, keep these strategies in mind:

  • Nix sugar and dairy right away. Both sugar and dairy are known to be inflammatory, and dairy in particular can lead to an increase in mucus production. If you’re dealing with a sinus problem, the first thing to go should be sugar and dairy. This will help alleviate inflammation in your sinuses and put less of a load on your struggling body.

  • Eat a tablespoon of honey. Dry coughs that aren’t productive can seriously irritate your throat and lungs. To help soothe the throat and suppress a cough, try a tablespoon of honey either taken straight or stirred into a cup of tea or hot water. Raw, unfiltered honey has many anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties as well.

  • Use essential oils to open up the airways. Peppermint, eucalyptus, and tea tree essential oils are highly effective at opening airways when inhaled. Rub them on your chest (either straight or diluted with coconut oil if you have sensitive skin). You can also put a few drops of essential oil into a pot of warm water and breathe in the steam. Repeat this regularly throughout the day for best results.

  • Stay hydrated. Drink way more water than you think you need! When you’re ill, your body is working hard to flush out the bad stuff. Staying hydrated will help your body get rid of waste more effectively. Enjoy water, tea, fresh juices, and broths.

  • Massage your sinuses. Light pressure can work wonders in promoting drainage. Gently tapping on the temples, cheekbones, and forehead will help stimulate the sinuses and move lymphatic tissue. Blow your nose afterwards to complete the drainage process.

  • And last but not least, get a chiropractic adjustment. We cannot emphasize just how valuable it is to get adjusted when ill! Keeping your spine properly aligned will help relieve stress on your body and make the process of fighting a bacteria or virus easier. 

Congestion can be a major pain when it just won’t go away. Thankfully, there are lots of natural strategies to employ to help clear things out. Keep these tips in mind next time you’re congested and we hope you’ll be well on your way to feeling better faster!


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