Practical Ways to Improve Your Posture

There’s much more to good posture than simply standing up straight. Postural health is an important part of your long-term wellness. Whether you are sitting, standing, bending, lifting, or sleeping, learning how to maintain proper posture will serve you well in preventing injuries and pain. 

How Posture Affects Your Health

Poor posture can impact your health in many ways, including:

  • Misaligning your musculoskeletal system

  • Causing weaknesses in your body, making it more fragile and prone to injury

  • Contributing to neck, shoulder, and back pain

  • Increasing stiffness and decreasing flexibility 

  • Affecting your balance and increasing your risk of falling

  • Causing difficulties in other systems of your body, such as digestion and breathing

Thankfully there are many simple, practical, everyday ways to improve your posture and prevent these negative effects.

How to Improve Your Posture

The first step to improving your posture is general awareness. Be mindful of your posture during daily activities like walking, watching TV, or working at a computer. With a foundation of awareness in place, you can then add some additional steps to postural improvement. They’re easy–we promise!

  • Make sure work surfaces are at a comfortable height for your body, whether you’re sitting at a desk, washing dishes, or eating a meal.

  • Stay active and work on building muscle strength through resistance training. The more engaged your muscles are, the more they will help hold your skeletal system in proper alignment.

  • Wear comfortable shoes that do not cause back or ankle pain.

  • When sitting, change positions often. Take frequent walking breaks and roll out your wrists and shoulders. Make sure that your low back is fully supported. Use a pillow if your chair does not have a backrest that can support your lower back's curve.

  • When standing, keep your shoulders back and down. Put your weight evenly between your feet, about shoulder-width apart. Let your arms hang naturally at your sides. Avoid standing with a weak core. Instead, keep your abdominals engaged.

Improving posture is all about being mindful and aware of your positioning throughout each day. Practice awareness long enough and it will soon become second nature!


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