How to Keep Working Out Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

We all know that exercise is good for us–so good, in fact, that even just 30 minutes of exercise per day can increase life span by years and even decades! Knowing this is awesome, but when it comes to actually taking action and working out consistently, motivation can be hard to come by, can’t it?

The next time you’re feeling a real lack of inspiration and motivation in the workout department, try a few of these strategies to jolt some life back into your routine.

  1. Do something for 10 minutes.
    Often the idea of working out is intimidating simply because we don’t feel like committing 45-60 minutes of our day to a workout and all that comes with it. Instead of jumping into an hour workout, try just 10 minutes of movement. Maybe it’s a 10 minute power walk around your block or a quick yoga video on YouTube. If that’s all you do, great! You did something, which is always better than nothing. But chances are once you break through that 10 minute wall, your blood will be flowing and you’ll be in the mood to keep going for another 10, 20, or even 40 minutes.

  2. Grab a friend to join you.
    Community is powerful. Solo endeavors often fizzle out quickly simply because we have no community around us supporting us or helping pass the time. Inviting a friend to join you for a workout will not only make the minutes fly faster, but you’ll also be held accountable for actually showing up to do the workout in the first place…which is half the battle!

  3. Choose a new-to-you activity.
    A big reason why we fall into a workout slump may be boredom. Doing the same moves at the same time at the same gym gets old after a while. So change it up! Have some fun trying a new-to-you activity. Maybe you’ve never ice skated before or never rock climbed. Rent some skates at a local rink or go take an intro class at a climbing gym!

  4. Reward yourself for working out.
    If you’re motivated by incentives, plan something fun to reward yourself with after working out. For example, after a consistent week of workouts (whatever that may look like for you), maybe you treat yourself to a massage, dinner out, or a movie night at the theater. We often think rewards systems only work for kids, but they can be surprisingly effective for adults too!

  5. Take a rest week.
    Workout burnout is real. If you’ve been pushing yourself for a while, it may be time to reinvigorate your fitness journey by taking a much-needed rest week. Give yourself a week of active rest where you lay off the structured workouts and simply walk, stretch, play with your kids, or enjoy the outdoors in whatever way you love. You’ll likely jump back into your workout routine the following week feeling refreshed and ready to get back to it!

Remember, staying active is a lifestyle. Be in it for the long haul and stay consistent with the habits that work best for YOU!


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