Live Longer: Simple Steps You Can Take TODAY

Increasing your lifespan (and the quality of your life within those years) is not just about treating disease or masking symptoms, but about building long-term vitality and wellness. When it comes to longevity, there are simple daily habits that have massive potential to unlock a long, healthy life. This week, we’re highlighting a few of those habits and encouraging you to make them a part of your life today!

  1. Avoid highly processed foods.
    Inflammation and systemic dysfunction throughout the body are the hallmarks of aging. Food plays a critical role in helping to heal inflammation and promote optimal wellbeing in every system. Cut processed foods (cookies, pastries, soda, pizza, bread, etc.) and put your focus on whole, natural foods (fresh meat and seafood, vegetables, fruits, and nuts and seeds).

  2. Prioritize quality sleep.
    Lack of sleep drives contributors to aging, including inflammation, cell damage, and altered hormonal pathways. Make it your goal to get 8 hours of good quality sleep every night. Stick to a sleep schedule, avoid screens before bedtime, and create an environment that is cool and dark to promote restful sleep.

  3. Strength train.
    Preserving and optimizing muscle function is a key factor in maintaining the fountain of youth! Building muscle increases your mitochondria (the part of your cells that makes energy), which will in turn promote longevity, burn fat, and boost your mood.

  4. Follow your purpose in community.
    Studies have shown that those who are connected to others and have purpose in their lives live longer. A powerful way to promote lifelong health is to build relationships with others that fuel your interests. It could be as simple as joining a book club or a weekly running group. Community is a cornerstone to longevity.

These habits are not complicated. They are also not easy. It takes work to eat well, get adequate rest, exercise, and foster relationships. But by prioritizing these habits in your life, you will daily be building dynamic health that will serve you well for years to come!


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