How to Make Your Own Electrolyte Water

Staying hydrated helps us live life at our best, contributing to everything from an improved mood to mental clarity. A well hydrated body is a body that can deliver nutrients to cells, fight off bugs and infections, digest food smoothly, and maintain optimal organ function. 

But no matter how much water you drink, you may not be properly hydrated if you don’t have enough electrolytes! Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge and help to balance pH levels, get nutrients into cells, and move waste out. They balance the amount of water in our bodies, helping ensure the proper function of nerves and muscles as well as the heart and the brain.

Consume Electrolytes, the Healthy Way

You may be thinking that consuming electrolytes is as easy as drinking sports drinks like Gatorade. Think again! Many of these common electrolyte drinks are full of added sugars and toxic food dyes. A healthier approach is to make your own electrolyte water.

It’s incredibly easy. While there are many fun variations you can make on electrolyte water, at its most basic level it contains just a few simple ingredients:

  • 2 cups filtered water

  • Juice of ½ lemon (for vitamin C and bright citrus flavor)

  • ⅛ to ¼ teaspoon Redmond Real Salt or Celtic Sea Salt (for electrolytes like sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium)

  • 2 teaspoons raw honey (for energy and sweet flavor)

Simply combine all ingredients in a jar, shake to combine, and that’s it! 

To change it up, try using coconut water instead of regular water and omitting the honey. Or stick to the base recipe above and add orange juice, crushed berries, or mint leaves.

Electrolytes in a Pinch

If you’re on the go and don’t have the ingredients available to make your own electrolyte water, look for a hydration powder that contains no added sugars or preservatives. There are clean options out there that are easy to mix in a bottle of water. We recommend NutriDyn’s Dynamic Hydrate, which is available at our office. The ingredients are squeaky clean and the taste is excellent!

Stay hydrated and stay electrolyzed! Your body will thank you.


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