Recover From Injuries Faster - Here’s How

After sustaining an injury, most people find that their patience is quickly tested as they begin the road to recovery. Healing after an injury can be a long process, but there are ways to accelerate recovery and ensure a safe “re-entry” into regular movement. Read on for 5 ways to recover faster and more fully from an injury.

  1. Remember RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.
    The RICE method is designed to reduce inflammation and encourage the healing process to begin early.

  • Rest: When you get injured, immediately stop doing painful activities and rest as much as possible for the first 48 hours. 

  • Ice: Ice the affected area for 15-20 minutes every few hours for the first 1-2 days after the injury has occurred. Cover the ice pack in a lightweight towel to prevent skin irritation.

  • Compression: Wrap the injured area in a fabric bandage to help prevent swelling. Make sure the bandage is tight enough to be snug but not so tight that you experience tingling or numbness from lack of blood flow.

  • Elevation: Elevate the affected area above the level of your heart to help reduce pain, throbbing, and inflammation.

  1. Get a chiropractic adjustment.
    Many people fear getting adjusted after an injury because they are afraid that it will make the problem worse. However, adjustments are often most effective when they are performed early on in the recovery process. Inform your chiropractor of the affected area so they will be able to adjust appropriately. At our office, we use a variety of adjustment methods in order to accommodate those in pain or with limited mobility due to injuries.

  2. Add early range of motion exercises.
    Once initial inflammation has subsided, begin introducing movement slowly and intentionally. Pain is a good measure of how quickly to progress. If a movement hurts, stay away from it or limit it. As your pain subsides, gradually add more functional movement, like walking, bending your knees, bending over from a seated position, rotating side to side through your upper back, etc.

  3. Eat plenty of supportive foods.
    Protein-rich foods will help support the repair of muscle and connective tissue, while vitamin C-rich foods will help combat inflammation. Enjoy meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds to supply your body with lots of nutrients.

  4. Prioritize injury prevention.
    To prevent getting injured again or developing a recurring injury, make an effort to prioritize prevention once you have recovered. Develop a fitness plan that incorporates strength training, flexibility, and cardiovascular exercise. Warm up and cool down properly before working out. Rest when you’re tired. Avoid exercise when you’re tired or in pain.

Getting injured is no fun, but with these strategies you’ll be well on your way to speedy, complete healing. Injuries may happen in a blink, but they can take weeks or months to heal. Be patient, be diligent, and keep a positive attitude through the process.


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