Kick Seasonal Allergies to the Curb with These 5 Strategies

April showers may have brought May flowers, but they also brought the return of dreaded seasonal allergies. With tree pollen in the air, perhaps you’re finding yourself bogged down by a stuffy nose, itchy eyes, and the general fatigue that accompanies seasonal allergies. Well, it’s time to give your immune system a bit of extra support!

Your immune system is responsible for producing histamine, a compound released by cells in response to an allergic or inflammatory reaction. The more you can aid your body in handling its histamine load, the fewer allergy symptoms you will experience. Try these 5 strategies to give your body some extra support in its seasonal battle.

  1. Consume plenty of vitamin C.
    Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine. In times of stress or when fighting off an offender, your body will also use more of it. Load up on bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, citrus fruits, tropical fruits, and berries in your diet, and consider taking a vitamin C supplement throughout allergy season for extra support.

  2. Strengthen your gut.
    If your gut health is weak, you will likely experience more allergic reactions and you may even find yourself getting sick more often as well. Around 80% of your immune system is in your gut. Consider taking a probiotic or eating probiotic-rich foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha to boost your good bacteria levels.

  3. Use a sinus rinse bottle or neti pot.
    Cleansing or “irrigating” your sinuses daily throughout allergy season can remove pollen particles from your nasal passages and decrease stuffiness. Sinus rinse bottles and neti pots are easy to use and you can pick them up at most drugstores. Be sure to use distilled water in your device.

  4. Exercise regularly.
    Move your body regularly (daily, if possible!) to help support your lymphatic system. You have lymph tissue all throughout your body. Exercising acts like a pump that moves fluids through your lymph system, helping to detoxify and cleanse, which is helpful anytime your body is in a slump.

  5. Get adjusted.
    Chiropractic adjustments will help relieve stress on your nervous system and restore strong communication pathways between your brain and all organs of your body. When you are experiencing physical stressors (such as illness, injury, or a suppressed immune system), it is critical to keep these lines of communication open and well supported.

With the right strategies, you can find relief from seasonal allergy woes. Support your body and your body will support you!


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