The Scoop on Collagen Peptides

Collagen peptides. Chances are you’re seeing them in every grocery store, health food store, on Amazon, and all over influencers’ social media pages. But what exactly are collagen peptides? And are they worth the hype?

Let’s break it all down, starting with a definition.

What are collagen peptides?

Collagen can be found abundantly throughout your body in the muscles, tendons, joints, skin, and digestive system. It helps hold your body together while also giving skin its elasticity. Collagen helps facilitate the turnover of skin cells as well, which is why it is often an ingredient in skincare products. 

Your collagen production begins to slow as you get older. Hello, aching joints and wrinkles! Certain lifestyle factors can also contribute to a decrease in collagen production, such as over-exercise and smoking. 

Collagen peptides, also called hydrolyzed collagen peptides, is animal-sourced collagen that has been broken down into peptides (strings of amino acids, the building blocks of protein), which results in easier absorption by the body. 

What are the benefits of collagen peptides?
Studies have found that collagen supplementation can help maintain or boost lean muscle mass. It can also assist in gut repair, particularly for individuals who may have gut damage due to food allergies or medication use. Because collagen is found in abundance in joints, supplementing with collagen peptides can be helpful for those with joint pain and arthritis. Collagen peptides can also benefit the skin by restoring plumpness and reducing the speed of developing wrinkles as you age.

As with any food or supplement, collagen peptides aren’t for everyone. Some peptides are derived from fish and eggs, so if you have an allergy to either of those foods, be sure to read labels closely to know the source. If taken in too large of quantities, some people report digestive upset or constipation as a side effect as well. 

How do I take collagen peptides?
A wide range of collagen peptide products are available on the market. We recommend choosing a brand from a reputable retailer that’s made from sources that are free of antibiotics, chemicals, and heavy metals.

The hydrolyzation process results in a powder that’s relatively flavorless and easy to mix into most foods and liquids. It’s as easy as adding a scoop to smoothies, oatmeal, protein balls, or even soups and stews.

In summary, collagen peptides have a wide range of benefits and can be a great addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle. If you need further recommendations on our favorite brands and ways to use them, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!


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