Bored With Your Workouts? Here’s 3 Fun Ways to Change It Up!

Exercising is a healthy habit that will serve you well for your entire life, but like any habit, it can easily get old after a while. Raise your hand if you’ve ever fallen into a “workout slump” where you felt like you were just going through the motions when it comes to exercise. 

We get it–and we’ve been there too! Instead of punishing yourself with the same old workouts that leave you bored, the best thing to do when you’re in a slump is take a break from your typical routine and change it up. The good news is that you don’t have to be a creative genius to do it. Try these simple switch-ups the next time you’re feeling fitness fatigue.

1. Try a “deck of cards” workout.

If you’re up for a heart-pounding challenge, try a workout that’s totally left up to chance! Here’s how it works: Grab a deck of cards and assign an exercise to each suit. Choose exercises you enjoy that work your whole body. For example:

  • Diamonds = Plank jacks

  • Hearts = Squat jumps

  • Clubs = Push-ups

  • Spades = Russian twists 

The number on the card will determine how many reps you do of each exercise. Face cards equal 12 reps, 10 equals 10 reps, 9 equals 9 reps, etc. all the way down to Aces, which equal 1 rep. Exercise your way through the entire deck, drawing a new card after you complete each exercise. For a modified version, use half a deck of cards.

2. Enjoy some seasonal fun.
Turn your workout into playtime! In the summer, you might try something like pickleball, volleyball, water skiing, or kayaking. In the spring and fall, enjoy the scenery with a hike at a local state park. Come winter, get out in the elements for some snowshoeing, skiing, or ice skating. Many recreational activities are super cardiovascular and can be a great way to get your heart rate up while having a good time!

3. Learn to ballroom dance.
Don’t knock it until you try it! Ballroom dancing is actually a seriously fantastic way to get some steps while learning mind-body coordination and foot work. Many local dance studios offer free introductory classes or monthly “drop-in”-style workshops for a low fee. Try something new and learn to dance!

Like any healthy habit, fitness should be enjoyable in order to be sustainable. The next time you’re feeling bored, give these strategies a try and watch your slump disappear. 


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