Turn Your Home into a Gym with 3 Simple Pieces of Equipment 

When it comes to getting fit, gyms and fitness studios are a great place to build strength, break a sweat, and discover types of fitness that you love. But if getting to a local gym isn’t possible for you, no problem! With some creativity and a willingness to show up, you can get fit in your own home with very minimal equipment. 

At a very basic level, all you need is some floor space to work with and your own body weight for a great workout. If you’d like to take it one step further with a few pieces of equipment, here are 3 items that are equal parts affordable, versatile, and don’t take up much space.

  1. Mat
    Yoga mats aren’t just for yoga! Whether you’re doing a vinyasa flow, stretching, or cranking out a core workout, a mat is an essential piece of equipment that will help cushion your workspace. A standard yoga mat is a great option and can be found inexpensively online. We also love round mats (like these options on Amazon), which are a bit pricier but offer greater cushion and a larger surface area for movement.

  2. Kettlebell
    The kettlebell is a classic piece of equipment that is incredibly versatile and useful for building full-body strength. Use them to add some resistance to squats, lunges, cardio moves, agility training, and more. If you need ideas on how to properly train with kettlebells, a quick YouTube search offers loads of helpful videos. Or work directly with us in our functional fitness programs!

  3. Jump Rope
    Jumping rope is hands down one of the best exercises you can do for building cardiovascular stamina along with coordination. A few minutes of jump roping at even a low intensity can quickly get the sweat flowing! If you’re new to jump roping, we recommend starting slow and working your way up to longer sessions. Ropeless jump ropes are a great option if you want to avoid tripping over the rope. Weights simulate the sensation of the rope to provide an awesome workout.

Don’t let the lack of a gym keep you from moving. With these simple items and good old-fashioned dedication, you can get all the benefits of exercise right in your own home!


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