Build a Better Breakfast in 3 Easy Steps!

We’re big time foodies at Spine & Wellness Co, which means that we’ll happily enjoy any and every opportunity for a healthy meal! When it comes to eating for wellness, breakfast can often pose the most challenges. The typical American breakfast can be a huge source of refined carbohydrates and sugar. If you take away things like bread, bagels, pancakes, cereal, sugary yogurt, and juice, is there really anything left?

Thankfully, the answer is a big yes! While it may take some creativity, building a healthy breakfast is indeed possible and we’re here to prove it in 3 easy steps. Let’s jump in.

  1. Prioritize Protein
    This is far and away the most important step to remember when building a nourishing breakfast. Protein in the morning will keep you satisfied, balance your blood sugar, and crush your afternoon carb cravings. Optimal protein sources are things like eggs, plain Greek yogurt, high-quality protein powder, or really any type of meat (like leftover cooked chicken or salmon, steak, bacon, etc.). Learn to build your morning meal around protein.

  2. Add fiber.
    With protein in place, then it’s time to add some fiber. You’ll find fiber in plants, like whole grains (oats or quinoa, for example), berries, apples, avocados, broccoli, carrots, zucchini, cabbage, and more. Like protein, fiber fills you up and takes time for your body to digest, leading to a lower rise in your blood glucose. Combining protein with fiber is the ultimate one-two punch for staying fuller longer.

  3. Make it easy on yourself.
    Few of us want to spend a ton of time bright and early making an elaborate meal, so make it easy on yourself to assemble a healthy breakfast relatively quickly. For example, keep chopped veggies on hand for easily scrambling into eggs, or make smoothie packs to store in your freezer that hold everything you need for a morning blend. Just google “overnight oats” and you’ll find hundreds of recipes for oatmeal that cooks itself overnight in the fridge. Boil eggs and keep them on hand for adding a quick protein source to your morning meal. 

5 Examples of a Balanced Breakfast

So let’s bring it all together with some real life examples, shall we? Each of these breakfast ideas is built using the steps above: prioritizing protein, adding fiber, and making it easy and convenient at the same time!

  • Egg Scramble: scramble a few eggs in a pan with chopped veggies you’ve already prepped in advance (we like keeping a mix of bell peppers, onions, and zucchini on hand). Add a piece of fruit on the side.

  • Yogurt Parfait: layer plain Greek yogurt with berries and chopped nuts or ground flaxseed. Sprinkle cinnamon on top.

  • On-the-Go Breakfast Sampler: grab a couple hard-boiled eggs, ¼ cup of trail mix, and a piece of fruit for a fast breakfast to eat on the run.

  • Simple Smoothie: blend 1 cup of frozen fruit with your favorite milk of choice, a scoop of nut butter, and a scoop of protein powder. 

  • Protein Hash: stir-fry some chopped veggies in a little butter or olive oil for a few minutes until tender. Stir in some cooked protein (like shredded chicken, crumbled ground beef or turkey, etc.) and heat through. Top with salsa and diced avocado.

Start your day with a nourishing breakfast and enjoy balanced energy and a good mood all day long!


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