Why Chiropractic is Valuable for Every Age and Stage

At our office, we regularly see patients from a few days old all the way up to those who are 90+ years young! Chiropractic care is valuable and beneficial for every age and life stage. 

Babies & Children

Because chiropractic addresses the nervous system, it’s a wonderful modality of care that’s gentle enough to use with children, including infants. Our staff regularly adjusts babies that are just days (or even hours!) old. Chiropractic care can be beneficial for children’s sleep cycles, digestive regularity, behavioral health, stress management, and more.


As teens go through rapid growth and development, chiropractic adjustments support them in their transition into adulthood. With increased sports and physical activities, the teenage years are often prone to injuries, which can be rehabilitated with chiropractic. The teenage years are also a time where we love to educate our young patients about tech use and maintaining proper posture to prevent issues like “tech neck,” or forward head posture.


Men and women of all ages benefit from chiropractic adjustments not just for pain relief or pain management, but also for restoring healthy spinal curves, regulating the nervous system, reducing stress, and supporting healthy aging. Women can experience tremendous relief from chiropractic throughout pregnancy, including after birth during the postpartum period. Just like chiropractic is gentle enough to use with infants, it’s also gentle enough to use with the elderly who may have limited mobility.

At Spine & Wellness Co., we are truly a family clinic. We see patients of every age improve their health and make powerful strides toward wellness every day in our office.

It’s never too late to begin prioritizing the health of your family. Call us today to schedule your visit with Dr. Kyle or Dr. Bailey!


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