Yes, You CAN Avoid Gaining Weight Over the Holidays!

The holidays come with many joys, including plenty of opportunities to enjoy lots and lots of food! This merriment leads many people to pack on a few pounds between mid-November and mid-January, with some people gaining as much as 10 pounds in just a few months.

That said, holiday weight gain is not inevitable. It’s actually quite manageable if you stick to a few principles throughout the holiday season. 

We want you to walk into the new year feeling your absolute best! Keep these tips in mind for avoiding holiday weight gain. (And what’s even better, these tips have incredible side benefits. They’ll likely lead to more energy, fewer cravings, more confidence, better sleep, and a balanced mood too.)

  1. Nip snacking in the bud.

    With extra food around at the holidays, it’s easy to nibble throughout the day on everything from Christmas cookies to spiced nuts, candy, and more. Try your best to eliminate “mindless” snacking throughout the holiday season. If you’re truly hungry, munch on veggies and fruit instead.

  2. Be active with family and friends.

    Many holiday traditions are sedentary activities, like watching holiday movies or playing board games. Break up the sitting with activities that get your body moving, such as walks or ice skating. Some gyms run specials around the holidays as well, so keep your eye out for an opportunity to join a local fitness center for a lower membership rate.

  3. Focus on portion control.

    Make your meals count by loading up on protein and veggies first, then a smaller amount of carbs if you are still hungry. Keep healthy portions in mind when you’re filling your plate. It’s easy to overeat (especially at parties or family meals when food is everywhere!), but doing that over and over will have a cumulative effect by the season’s end. Control your portions throughout the season and pay attention to your hunger cues. Eat until you are just satisfied.

  4. Bring a healthy dish to share.

    Make it your intention to bring a healthy option to every party or meal you’re invited to. This will ensure there’s something nutritious you can enjoy everywhere you go.

  5. Limit liquid calories.

    Food alone throws enough of a curveball into healthy eating at the holidays. Beverages make matters even worse, with many holiday favorites like eggnog and punch being packed with refined sugar. Stick to low-calorie beverages or water to help support your metabolism and maintain a healthy weight. Some good options include flavored sparkling water, coffee or cold brew, tea, and kombucha.

Staying healthy throughout the holidays is all about choices. We encourage you to make smart choices through the season so you can start off 2023 in great health!


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