4 Unexpected Benefits of Chiropractic Care

You may start going to a chiropractor for that nagging pain in your back or a stiff neck. But over time, you may begin reaping many other benefits. As we often tell our patients, chiropractic is not just for pain relief. Because chiropractic adjustments work on your spine, which houses your entire nervous system, it’s quite common to notice benefits in many other areas of your health. 

Here are a few unexpected benefits of chiropractic care that we see regularly in our office:

  1. Weight Loss

    There’s no magic pill for weight loss. However, supporting your nervous system through regular chiropractic care can be a wonderful part of a weight loss journey. Why? As adjustments relieve stress points on your body, exercise will likely become easier as your mobility increases. Your nervous system also plays a big role in regulating your hormones, which are important for weight loss. While not the case for everyone, we have had more than a few patients lose weight effortlessly simply by keeping up with regular adjustments!

  2. Regular Menstrual Cycles

    Women can experience more regular menstrual cycles thanks to the way chiropractic care influences their nervous system and, consequently, their hormone production. For women struggling with getting pregnant, more and more mainstream doctors are even beginning to recommend alternative modalities of care such as chiropractic, massage, and acupuncture as supportive ways to decrease stress on the body and promote fertility.

  3. Better Sleep

    Want better sleep? Get adjusted! Some of our patients remark that if they go too long between adjustments, they can tell because their quality of sleep begins to decline. Adjustments support spinal and joint alignment, often relieving pain that may be associated with laying down. Chiropractic also has a positive impact on sleep by easing muscle tension that can cause restlessness, and stimulating circulation.

  4. Improved Concentration

    Oftentimes people lose their ability to focus because there is either an interruption in their nervous system. Spinal adjustments help to encourage blood flow and remove barriers in how the nervous system communicates to every part of the body, including your brain. This can lead to improved concentration and an ability to focus without brain fog.

There are many benefits to chiropractic care beyond just pain relief. If it’s been a while since your last adjustment, don’t wait. Do your body some good and schedule your next visit with us!


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