How Massage Therapy Supports Your Immune System

If you’ve been around Spine & Wellness Co. for a while, you know that we’re huge proponents of massage therapy, so much so that we even have our own in-house massage therapist! Massage and chiropractic care complement each other perfectly, as chiropractic works on the skeleton while massage works on the muscles.

Did you know that, like chiropractic, massage therapy can actually help make your immune system stronger? It’s true! 

4 Ways Massage Impacts the Immune System

  1. Massage promotes increased circulation and lymphatic flow, which helps move healthy nutrients throughout your body and filters metabolic waste. As waste is removed, so are toxins, viruses, and other bugs that cause illness.

  2. Studies have shown that massage can increase your body’s level of lymphocytes, which are the cells that help the immune system fight off harmful things in the body.

  3. Stress has been shown to be a significant immunosuppressor. Massage is one of the best ways to reduce stress. It helps decrease cortisol levels in the body, a stress hormone that plays a role in the formation of illness. Reducing your stress is always a good idea when it comes to staying healthy–and massage can be a great tool for that.

  4. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, pain has measurable negative effects on immunity. Massage therapy has an incredible impact on reducing or eliminating pain and promoting wellbeing, which will in turn help your body fight off illness more easily and effectively. 

Consider getting regular massages this winter to keep your immune system in tip-top shape! Call our office at 608.833.9445 to schedule your next massage. We’re here to help you stay well this winter and feel your very best.


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