Our Top 10 Foods for Healthy Bones

Building strong bones is very important for long-term health. Did you know that once you reach 30 years old, you’ve reached peak bone mass? Your bones are built from minerals during childhood, teenage years, and early adulthood. If minerals are lacking during these years or if bone loss occurs later in life, you run the risk of developing weak bones that may break more easily.

But the good news is that many nutritional choices can help fortify your bone strength and maintain it as you get older! Here are our top 10 foods for building healthy bones.

  1. Kale

    Dark leafy greens, including kale and others like bok choy and Swiss chard, are great sources of calcium. And as a bonus, they contain vitamin K, which can reduce your risk for osteoporosis.

  2. Salmon

    Fatty fish like salmon contains an array of bone-building nutrients, including vitamin D, which may help your body absorb calcium. Canned salmon is a great option, as it includes small soft bones that are rich in minerals.

  3. Sardines

    Like salmon, sardines are packed with calcium in their small bones and also offer loads of omega-3 fatty acids. If sardines taste too “fishy” to you, jazz them up with lemon juice or fresh herbs to improve their flavor.

  4. Almonds

    Two tablespoons of almond butter contain over 100 milligrams of calcium as well as other bone-builders like potassium and protein.

  5. Seeds

    Seeds pack a big punch when it comes to minerals. Sesame seeds in particular are rich in calcium and healthy fats which help your body absorb minerals. Look for tahini (sesame seed paste) as a spread to use on sandwiches, in hummus, or as a dip for veggies.

  6. Beans

    Beans are high in calcium as well as magnesium, another key mineral that has been shown to help prevent bone loss. Beans and legumes are also packed with fiber, making them a great choice for gut health.

  7. Organic Yogurt and Cheese

    We all know dairy products are a long-praised source of calcium. And it’s true! If you don’t have an allergy, incorporate yogurt or cheese in moderation for a healthy calcium boost. We recommend choosing organic and full-fat dairy products when possible.

  8. Molasses

    This uncommon ingredient is actually a great source of calcium, with nearly 50 milligrams in just 1 tablespoon. Try using it instead of honey as a replacement on toast, in smoothies, or drizzled over oatmeal.

  9. Citrus Fruits

    Foods high in vitamin C, like citrus fruits, have been shown to help prevent bone loss. Adequate vitamin C levels help improve the absorption of various minerals. Go for grapefruit, oranges, lemons, and limes.

  10. Sweet Potatoes

    Both magnesium and potassium help regulate your vitamin D levels, which in turn affects your bone health. A lesser-known source of these two minerals is the mighty sweet potato, which offers over 40 milligrams of magnesium and a whopping 500+ milligrams of potassium.

There you have it! Load your plate with these foods for building strong bones.


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