Busting 5 Common Chiropractic Myths

Chiropractic is a growing field of health and wellness care, but for many people there are still some hesitations around visiting a chiropractor for a variety of different reasons. We get it! Health care is deeply personal and it is 100% normal and even good to make your choices carefully, considering all of the information before you jump in.

Today we want to discuss a few common myths and facts about chiropractic care, and provide some insight on how this modality of treatment can benefit patients of all ages. 

Let’s bust some myths!

Myth #1: Spinal adjustments hurt.

When people think of chiropractic care, they may associate it with cracking or popping sounds. These sounds are completely normal and simply are the result of a gas release in the joint. They are usually not painful and are actually far more often experienced as a powerful feeling of relief. In some cases an adjustment may be uncomfortable, but it is not painful.

Myth #2: Chiropractic is only for those in pain.

You don’t have to be in pain to see a chiropractor! Getting adjustments regularly is a great form of preventative healthcare, keeping the spine in proper alignment so that you don’t end up with a painful problem. Supporting your body with chiropractic care before pain shows up is the ideal scenario.

Myth #3: People can self-adjust themselves.

Many people think that they can “pop” or “crack” their own joints into alignment. This is not true and actually can be quite harmful. The skilled technique of a chiropractor is needed to ensure that the joint is adjusted properly. A chiropractor can also find the source of the misalignment, which may be different than what it “feels like” in your body. (Example: your knee may hurt because your hips are out of alignment.)

Myth #4: Chiropractic is only for adults.

Kids benefit greatly from chiropractic care! We see a large number of children in our office each week, many of whom have overcome significant health challenges thanks to regular adjustments. Babies can be adjusted within hours after birth all the way on up through childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

Myth #5: Chiropractors only treat back pain.

Alleviating back pain is without a doubt one of the biggest reasons patients see chiropractors. But the entire structure of the skeleton can be cared for by a chiropractor, from the back to the head/neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, ankles, toes, hips, knees, ribs, and more!

Like any healthcare pathway, myths abound about chiropractic…but so do the facts. The bottom line is chiropractic care can set patients on a wonderful path to wellness in a non-invasive and health-supportive way.


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