5 Detoxifying Foods to Enjoy This Spring

‘Tis the season for spring cleaning. And that includes cleaning out the gunk from our diets and filling them with detoxifying, nourishing foods! As we head into the refreshing season of spring, now is the perfect time to fortify your diet with foods that support your body’s ability to cleanse.

Here are our type 5 favorite foods that support detoxification–and taste good too!

  1. Dark Leafy Greens
    Greens are a detoxification powerhouse that help promote cleansing of the liver and digestive system. Bitter greens like dandelion, arugula, kale, and watercress are particularly beneficial for the liver. Enjoy bitter greens in salads or soups. Mild greens, such as spinach, are an easy nutrient-packed addition to smoothies.

  2. Lemons
    A cup of lemon water in the morning has been touted to be a “miracle drink” by many health practitioners simply because of the detoxifying properties that are so beneficial for the digestive system. Lemon juice stimulates healthy production of stomach acid and digestive juices. It also packs a punch with vitamin C and can help boost the immune system. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice to a tall glass of water (or hot water) and drink on an empty stomach each morning.

  3. Beets
    Known as a blood cleanser, beets produce nitric acid, which helps to increase blood flow in your body. Beets also contain betalains, a type of antioxidant that helps repair and regenerate cells in the liver. Enjoy roasted beets in salads, or peel them and shred them in their raw form for an alternative to shredded carrots. Beets also juice well and lend a beautiful pink shade to your glass when juiced with cucumbers and apples.

  4. Spices
    Spices are an often overlooked source of wonderful antioxidants and medicinal properties. Turmeric and cinnamon are both anti-inflammatory. Turmeric helps detoxify the liver by increasing bile production in the gallbladder, while cinnamon exhibits a beneficial effect on balancing blood sugar. Add turmeric to soups, curries, and grains for bright yellow color and toasty flavor. Sprinkle cinnamon on fruit, in your smoothies, or over a bowl of warm oats.

  5. Avocados
    Would it be a food list if we didn’t include avocados? You know we love our avos! A delicious source of healthy fat, avocados contain glutathione, an antioxidant that supports detox of the liver and a strong immune system. Enjoy avocados in sandwiches and wraps, diced up and added to salads, sliced on top of burgers, or scooped into smoothies for added creaminess.

This spring, load up your plate with healthy foods and your body will thank you all season long!


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