“Bad Genetics”: Truth or Myth?

Many people believe they don’t have the ability to overcome certain health challenges because of “bad genes.” Maybe they have a family history of heart disease or diabetes and just assume that they too are destined for the same lot in life. But is there really such a thing as bad genes? Does your history determine your destiny?

Emerging research says a hard no! In fact, your diet and lifestyle choices are much better indicators of your health trajectory than your genes. 

What Role Do Genes Play in Health?

Dr. Mark Hyman, a leading physician and researcher in the field of functional medicine, writes, “While it is true that some genes can predispose you to obesity, type 2 diabetes, or heart disease, predisposition is not predestination.” He goes on to say that 90% of our current health is controlled by the environment in which we bathe our genes, including “the food we eat, our exercise regimen, our resilience in the face of stress, and our exposure to environmental toxins.”

Epigenetics is the study of how our behaviors and environment can influence which of our genes are turned on or off. We’re all born with many different genes, but not all of them are active. With diet and lifestyle choices, you can turn on genes that lead to health or genes that lead to disease.

Think Beyond Your Genes

Since genes don’t have the ultimate say in your life, it’s vital to harness the power of nutrition and lifestyle choices to set yourself up for fantastic health–no matter your genetic makeup or family history. Start with the basics:

  • Eat a nutrient-dense, well-balanced diet rich in phytochemicals from plants and amino acids from high quality proteins. Skip the processed foods wherever you can.

  • Move your body. Exercise regularly in a way that’s enjoyable and sustainable for you.

  • Manage stress. Learn what your top stressors are and work to react to them in ways that support rather than drain your health.

  • Reduce your toxic load. Eat organic when you can, clean your home with natural cleaners instead of chemicals, and swap out toxic body care products for cleaner options.

Your history is not your destiny. Your genes may ride in the car with you, but they aren’t in the driver’s seat. That seat is yours alone. Drive your health to incredible places with the choices you make each day!


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