Mediterranean, Paleo, Keto…which diet is best?!

Overwhelmed by diet information? We get it! It’s a jungle out there. This time of year it can feel more confusing than ever as diets get thrown into the spotlight with a new year approaching. Mediterranean, paleo, keto, carnivore, low-carb, no-carb, vegan, vegetarian, raw, plant-based…how in the world do you know which path is best?!

We’re here to help you clear the clutter and quiet the diet noise. The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all diet. There’s no magic food for weight loss, no 12-week plan that’s guaranteed to give you results. When it comes to making healthy choices–whether for weight loss or just general health and longevity–the best thing you can do is throw out the word “diet” and instead opt for “lifestyle.”

Living a healthy lifestyle is sustainable, attainable, and can 100% get you to your goals. Plus, you can tailor it to your unique needs and preferences much more easily than a diet. When adopting a healthy lifestyle, it’s not about numbers, points, programs, or forbidden foods. Instead, it’s about building a strong foundation upon which you can make smart choices. 

Don’t over-complicate it. If you need a place to start when it comes to healthy eating, ditch the dieting and go for a simple lifestyle plan like this instead:

  1. Eat mostly home cooked meals.

  2. Limit refined carbs and sugar.

  3. Eat whole foods and prioritize protein.

  4. Eliminate soda.

  5. Enjoy meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds.

  6. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Carry a water bottle with you everywhere you go.

Boom! You’re on your way to incredible health and tons of energy–and you don’t have to spend one day “dieting.” 

Make 2023 the year you live your healthiest life. We’re here to help! Want more personalized nutrition consulting to help you reach your goals? Call us at 608.833.9445 to learn more about how we can help you succeed.


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