Improved Health, Wellness Tips Dr. Bailey Nye Improved Health, Wellness Tips Dr. Bailey Nye

Our Top Tips for a Healthy and Smooth Back-to-School Transition

The season of transition is upon us once again! Back-to-school season brings with it the inevitable stressors and challenges that accompany change. By implementing a few key strategies (don’t worry–they’re easy!), you can reduce the impact of these challenges on your family and set your kids up for their healthiest year yet.

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Improved Health, Wellness Tips Dr. Bailey Nye Improved Health, Wellness Tips Dr. Bailey Nye

Busting 5 Common Chiropractic Myths

Chiropractic is a growing field of health and wellness care, but for many people there are still some hesitations around visiting a chiropractor for a variety of different reasons. We get it! Health care is deeply personal and it is 100% normal and even good to make your choices carefully, considering all of the information before you jump in.

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Healthy Recipes, Improved Health Dr. Bailey Nye Healthy Recipes, Improved Health Dr. Bailey Nye

Our Top 10 Foods for Healthy Bones

Building strong bones is very important for long-term health. Did you know that once you reach 30 years old, you’ve reached peak bone mass? Your bones are built from minerals during childhood, teenage years, and early adulthood. If minerals are lacking during these years or if bone loss occurs later in life, you run the risk of developing weak bones that may break more easily.

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